Carta Classroom

Cap Table 101

Carta Classroom

Cap Table 101

Everything about your company—from incorporation to IPO is built on the cap table. Learn the fundamentals of this equity cornerstone with help from your experts at Carta.


  • Cap table 101 section 1 of speaker

    7 chapters
    Introducing the cap table

    Dive into the world of cap tables—how they work, types of equity offered, calculating ownership percentages, valuations, vesting schedules, and more.
  • Section 2

    4 chapters
    Building the foundation for success

    Ready to create your first cap table? Begin the journey of a fictional company as we build a cap table from scratch, bring in an advisor, raise early funding rounds, and hire our first employees.
  • Cap table 101 section 1 of speaker

    2 chapters
    The Series B (and beyond)

    We’re upping the ante in Section 3 as we raise another funding round to scale our fictional company. We’ll also see how our cap table comes into play when the company sells, goes public, or has a liquidity event.

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