Carta for Investors

Your entire portfolio in one place

When your entire portfolio manages equity on Carta, you can accept your securities and access shared cap tables in one place. Plus, we have products to help you manage your portfolio and back office on Carta. Tens of thousands of privately-held companies and investors including Flexport, ClassPass, and Greycroft trust Carta to manage their cap tables, get 409A valuations, and stay compliant. Join our partner program to get a discounted rate for your portfolio and more.

Why partner with Carta?

Free tools to manage your portfolio

Accept securities

When companies issue you preferred stock, you can accept and track securities on Carta.


Access cap tables

Get secure access to you companies’ cap tables to see details like ownership percentage and co-investors.


Track investments

Tag companies, store closing docs, and pull investment reports to better manage your portfolio.


Sample term sheet language

Many of our VC partners include Carta in their term sheets, here are three term sheet language options we recommend.


Refer a company

Refer your portfolio companies to Carta with this link to ensure they receive a discount, or email us at


Startup Stack

Offers and discounts on software tools for your portfolio companies, including AWS Activate, Brex, Vouch, and more.

VC partners include

Andreesen Horowitz logo - bw Menlo Ventures logo - bw Meritech-logo Pear logo - bw Tribe logo - bw
Portfolio company one-pagers blog art

Premium products for investors

Carta for investors

Premium products for investors

In addition to our free platform for investors, Carta also offers premium plans for you to manage your portfolio and back office. Learn more about our fund administration, data collection, and ASC 820 products and services.

Partner with Carta

Join our partner program for access to discounts and additional perks for your portfolio companies.