Portfolio Insights

Bring your entire portfolio into focus

Get a complete view of your portfolio companies, with comprehensive insights on growth and performance.

Insights designed for strategic investing

Monitor fund performance
Make data-informed decisions with a detailed view into your investments.
Access data efficiently
Spend up to 90% less time gathering data and more time on your fund.
Keep LPs informed
Easily create and share one-pagers with complete investment insights.

Streamline your portfolio management

Skip the spreadsheets, emails, and templates with solutions to track your entire portfolio.

Easily collect data with in-app requests. A dedicated team will gather everything from your portcos, including their cap table and financial metrics, even if they’re not on the Carta platform.

Leverage insights to make strategic decisions, model scenarios, create waterfall analyses, and facilitate ASC 820 valuations from one easy-to-access dashboard.

Generate comprehensive portfolio company one-pagers with investment insights, financing history, valuations, and performance metrics—in just a few clicks.

Go beyond insights—get services and solutions to optimize your entire fund.

Explore Fund Admin


You have questions, we have resources and answers.
Do I need to be on the Carta platform to access Portfolio Insights?

Yes, Portfolio Insights are an add-on to the Fund Administration solution, so you will need to be onboarded to the Carta platform.

Learn more about Fund Admin here .

What does the onboarding process look like?

Get set up on Carta in a few easy steps. Submit portfolio company data, and then the insights team will merge any duplicates and clean up discrepancies for your final review and approval. 

Finally, you’ll have a kick-off call to formally introduce you to your PI Associate to guide you through the platform.

What additional support does Carta offer for my portfolio?

In addition to a dedicated analyst, you will also receive demos to review standardized financial statements, display company-provided KPIs, report and export features, scenario modeling, and more.

What are the different types of one-pagers offered?

Get access to three one-pager types of ready-to-share reports including snapshot, tear sheet, and detailed reports. Each report is designed for sharing different levels of information with your team and your relevant stakeholders.

Download a sample pack here .

My portco is not on the Carta platform, how is their data collected?

From your dashboard, choose the information you want to access, including the request period, cap table, balance sheet, and key metrics.

Carta will then send out the request to your portfolio company, where they will receive a unique link to upload the requested data directly to the platform.