Twenty Minute VC featuring Henry

Twenty Minute VC featuring Henry

Author: Jenna Lee
Read time:  1 minute
Published date:  April 12, 2019
Two years ago, Harry Stebbings invited our founder and CEO, Henry Ward, on The Twenty Minute VC podcast. We’ve grown a lot since then, and Henry recently joined Harry again to chat about a range of topics.
Henry Ward on Twenty Minute VC


Two years ago, Harry Stebbings invited our founder and CEO, Henry Ward, on The Twenty Minute VC podcast. We’ve grown a lot since then, and Henry recently joined Harry again to chat about a range of topics, including:

– Why the best companies are not product led – Three requirements Henry looks at when considering a new market – Why small markets are attractive

We hope you enjoy the episode. And again, a big thanks to Harry and Twenty Minute VC for having us on. You can follow them on Twitter at @twentyminutevc.

Author: Jenna Lee
Jenna is a former member of the content team at Carta. Despite working in Fintech her entire career, she has never had a La Croix.